Bit quiet round these parts..?

Hey all! Not much in the way of activity for a while, I know, but thought I’d check in anyway. Music production has stalled a little lately, with real-life stuff getting in the way. I was working with singer Ian Brough on some songs, and we were making good progress, when he was suddenly taken ill. He is on the mend now, but until he’s ready, things there are on hold. Best wishes to ya buddy.

In other news, I’ve been fortunate enough to be asked to do some gigs with a local band, Point Blank, as their stand-in bass player. Playing bass live is a new avenue for me, but it’s been great fun. If you live in or around the Northants area, check them out. Their FaceBook page is HERE:

Finally, I thought I’d have a bit of shameless promotion, and mention again that I also do music for any website, marketing or film projects that may require it. To hear some samples of my work, or to make an enquiry, CLICK HERE:

That’s all for now. Hopefully the next update won’t take as long as this one. Take care!


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